Three-year-old Program 
(approx. 33 months to 48 months)

Ratio:  1 teacher to 6 children

As your child turns three-years-old, they will make tremendous strides in imagination, language and social skills.  Our goal is to provide an enriching and varied
program that will not only help your child develop their
cognitive skills, but also enable them to enjoy and
express themselves through artistic and creative
experiences of all kinds.  We work on verbal and
language skills, as well as social skills that teach your
child to problem solve and express themselves in
appropriate ways.

Approximate Daily Schedule
08:00 amCenter Opens / Free Play / Curriculum Activities
09:00 amGroup Time / Curriculum Activities
09:30 amMorning Snack
10:00 amCurriculum Activities / Inside or Outside Play
12:00 pmLunch
01:00 pmRest Time
02:30 pmAfternoon Snack
03:00 pmInside or Outside Play
04:00 pmCurriculum Activity Time / Inside Play
05:30 pmCenter Closes

Current Openings:
Please email with your child's birthdate for more details:

Four-year-old Program 
(approx. 40 months to 60 months)

Ratio:  1 teacher to 7 children

Four-year-olds are starting to be more independent, learning new words and coming up with ideas they never had before.  They love to talk and questioning is at a peak, as they combine facts and fantasies to strengthen their command of language.  We provide an enriching program that helps your child develop their social, cognitive, math, science, phonics and other pre-kindergarten readiness skills.  We strive to teach social skills and independence by allowing your child to problem solve on their own, but are close by to assist in times of need.

Approximate Daily Schedule
08:00 amCenter Opens / Free Play / Curriculum Activities
09:00 amGroup Time / Curriculum Activities
09:30 amMorning Snack
10:00 amCurriculum Activities / Outside Play
12:00 pmLunch
01:00 pmRest Time
02:30 pmAfternoon Snack
03:00 pmInside or Outside Play
04:00 pmCurriculum Activities / Inside Play
05:30 pmCenter Closes

Current Openings:
Please email with your child's birthdate for more details:

Pre-Kindergarten Program 
(approx. 55 months to entry into Kindergarten)

Ratio:  1 teacher to 8 children

Our main focus is on the development of the whole child, including social, academic, emotional and physical.  While using appropriate activities, we foster positive self-image and independence.  We prepare your child for Kindergarten by having activities set-up to engage your child in math, science, language, phonetics, fine motor skills, independence and social growth.

Approximate Daily Schedule
08:00 amCenter Opens / Free Play / Curriculum Activities
09:00 amActivity Time
09:45 amGroup Time
10:00 amSnack Time
12:00 pmLunch
01:00 pmRest Time
02:30 pmAfternoon Snack
03:00 pmInside or Outside Play
04:00 pmCurriculum Activities / Inside Play
05:30 pmCenter Closes

Current Openings:
Please email with your child's birthdate for more details:

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